Wednesday, August 6, 2014

because of powerpuff girls tennis shoes.

I was walking into my second grade class with my super cool new Powerpuff Girls tennis shoes on with a skip in my step. I sat down at my desk with a grin from ear to ear when the most “popular” girl in my class came up to my desk and said, “I hate the Powerpuff Girls” flipped her hair and walked to her desk. My second grade heart was shattered into pieces when I realized that my brand new shoes just were pronounced uncool in front of my whole entire second grade class.

This is the first time I can remember being embarrassed of what I was wearing or someone questioning my likes and dislikes. We have all been through it: being asked where you got that top, the looks that make you look down at your outfit in a frenzy, whispers that aren’t such a whisper. After years of questioning whether I am wearing the right brand I figured it out, girls are just plain mean.

I wish I could tell you that as I am growing up that I am becoming confident enough in myself that I no longer care what the peanut gallery thinks, but sadly that is not the truth. I often call up my friends to reassure myself that my outfit does in fact look good.

But the reason why this has been weighing so heavy on my heart is that its not just the clothes I am questioning, its my whole self. Why would I let an up and down glance or scrunched-up face determine what I decide to wear? I believe whole-heartedly that clothes are an extension of your personality.

I want to be at a place in my life where I no longer look twice at an outfit I put together. When I reach this place in my life I know I will be completely happy with my surroundings, with my relationships, but most importantly with myself.

Everyday I am getting closer to the person I want to be. Gaining confidence in knowing that I am growing, changing, and learning.

Sending all my love my reader’s way.

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