Wednesday, September 7, 2016

insta for lyfe.

To be the most annoying person in real life and on the internet I LoVe to use short hand words and bring back the bad signatures from the late 2000’s. Like all of you I am too addicted to all forms of social media and McAllister’s.

One that I wouldn’t trade for a new Kate Spade purse is Insta, the gram, or formally Instagram. My personal feed is filled with designers, clothing, and a plethora of fashion bloggers. I love to be able to be inspired by my insta feed as well as decrease my bank account. I want to share, with my lovely followers, three fashion bloggers that are the bees knees or the cats pajamas whichever you prefer.

Karissa Marie

This fashion blogger has a preppy/boho aesthetic, posting outfit inspiration almost daily. Being a more recent blogger that I have followed I love her devotion to being a newlywed and a newcomer to New York. Making me lust for a studio apartment in the Big Apple even more. A must follow for sure.


This fashion/singing/photographer blogger posts insanely cool pictures of her almost daily adventures. Her style is unique and makes you wish your legs were about 12 inches longer. I’ve never saw so many selfies look this good.

Amber Fillerup Clark

This NYC based blogger has the cutest hair, family, and feed in the insta world. Not only does her closet make you wish you were cramped in the subway on a hot summer day, but her hair makes you want to Google the cheapest extensions you can get our hands on. One of my favs for sure.

So if you want to avoid your adult tasks for just a little longer, add these babes on insta for some inspiration and jealousy.

Wishing you s’mores and good hair days.