Friday, April 3, 2015

an ode to homesickness.

10:47 p.m. on a Friday night with a list of thing to do, a handful of things I could but probably shouldn’t do, and I am sitting in bed surrounded by clothes, books, and tissues leftover from most difficult week thus far in the semester. Maybe it was the cold that took away my determination or the stack of homework that never diminishes, whatever it was, all the determination in myself has vanished.  Wishing I could drive a mere 3 hours and enjoy homemade food and endless naps while watching cable over Easter with the fam. Growing up sucks.

Still in post-depression because I finished all 6 seasons of gossip girl, I’m hoping this super sulky post will put some pep back in my step. Along with a few phone calls from the fam and hopefully cry baby Alex will be gone by morning. So people home, enjoy it, kids in high school, enjoy it, and people who know how to cook anything besides cereal, enjoy it.

Also, Lori your once prized procession is being taken care of and worn often.

Wishing everyone a weekend of sleeping in and peeps.


  1. It looks great on you, love! 💘
    xo ~Lori

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I always get a little depressed when I finish a good show! I love that skirt though. You look really cute :)
